The E-CIP content service provides about 23 million types of bibliographic information in 6 countries. By using this, users can easily and conveniently apply for the desired book, and the books in the library will be provided with book images, table of contents, introductions, reviews, etc. of up to 40 pages of "preview". Accordingly, the library has the effect of greatly enhancing the value of bibliographic data. In particular, users can search about 100 million papers through the E-CIP content service and use the original text for free.
In addition, you can enjoy the effect of greatly relieving the burden of various tasks of the librarian, such as collecting, organizing, and donating.
Therefore, the E-CIP content service is both an innovative content and a solution that all libraries, librarians, and users benefit from.
Advantage of Library
Benefit for Users
Publisher's Effect